Hrvoje Gudlin
Introduction: Cerebral Palsy refers to a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture development that cause limitations in activities, and are the result of non – progressive disturbances of immature or developing brain. Cerebral palsy is classified into three types: spastic, dyskinetic and ataxic. The Gross Motor Function Classification System is a reliable method of classifying children with cerebral palsy according to the age – specific gross motor activity.
Aim: The aim of this study is to present a new method of assessment related to the quality of motor function in children with the classification of cerebral palsy.
Materials and methods: A sample of three children with the classification of spastic cerebral palsy, whose gross motor function corresponds to level 3, has been evaluated. Each child was assessed in a single time point by using Gross Motor Function Measure. The assessment was recorded, and based on the video analysis, the quality of the motor function was evaluated.
Results: Children achieved a higher score on the Gross Motor Function Measure in relation to all five attributes of the Quality Function Measure. The quality attribute in which the children achieved the highest overall result is weight shift, whilst the lowest result was achieved in dissociated movement.
Conclusion: The Gross Motor Function Measure is directed exclusively to the ability of performing motor functions. The Quality Function Measure observes the ways in which the child carries out certain tasks, as well as the strategies and possible compensations used for successfully completing the task, taking into account all developmental areas and their relationship in the performance of motor functions.
Key words: cerebral palsy, quality, motor, function, assessment