Introduction: Although the term job satisfaction is often used, there is still no clear and widely accepted definition. The interest in this aspect primarily originates from the employer of the production sector, whose interest and intention is to create working conditions and an environment that will improve work productivity. Job satisfaction among workers is a very important parameter that affects both productivity and the quality of work performed.
Aim: To determine job satisfaction among physio- therapists employed in state and private institutions and the degree of job satisfaction with certain aspects of the job.
Results: The results indicate that the respondents are on average satisfied to very satisfied with their job (M=3.71). Also, the results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in job satisfaction with regard to gender (p>0.05), in job satisfaction with regard to professional education (p>0.05) and with regard to work in state or private institutions (p>0 ,05). There is a statistically significant difference in job satisfaction regarding shift work (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The job satisfaction of healthcare workers has a great influence on the quality and efficiency of the work performed, and thus on the size of the costs allocated to healthcare.
Key words: physiotherapists, job satisfaction, private institutions, state institutions.